We will begin by examining some numerical and graphical summaries of the Smarket
data, which is part of the ISLR
library. This data set consists of percentage returns for the S&P 500 stock index over 1, 250 days, from the beginning of 2001 until the end of 2005. For each date, we have recorded the percentage returns for each of the five previous trading days, Lag1 through Lag5. We have also recorded Volume (the number of shares traded on the previous day, in billions), Today (the percentage return on the date in question) and Direction (whether the market was Up or Down on this date).
The cor()
function produces a matrix that contains all of the pairwise correlations among the predictors in a data set. The first command below gives an error message because the Direction variable is qualitative.
cor(Smarket[, -9])
heatmap(cor(Smarket[,-9]), col=)
Next, we will fit a logistic regression model in order to predict Direction
using Lag1
through Lag5
and Volume
. The glm() function fits generalized linear models, a class of models that includes logistic regression. The syntax generalized of the glm()
function is similar to that of lm()
, except that we must pass in the argument family=binomial
in order to tell R to run a logistic regression
rather than some other type of generalized linear model.
glm.fit = glm(Direction~Lag1+Lag2+Lag3+Lag4+Lag5+Volume, data=Smarket, family=binomial)
The smallest p-value here is associated with Lag1
. The negative coefficient for this predictor suggests that if the market had a positive return yesterday, then it is less likely to go up today. However, at a value of 0.15, the p-value is still relatively large, and so there is no clear evidence of a real association between Lag1
and Direction
The predict() function can be used to predict the probability that the market will go up, given values of the predictors. The type="response" option tells R to output probabilities of the form P(Y = 1|X), as opposed to other information such as the logit. If no data set is supplied to the predict() function, then the probabilities are computed for the training data that was used to fit the logistic regression model. Here we have printed only the first ten probabilities. We know that these values correspond to the probability of the market going up, rather than down, because the contrasts() function indicates that R has created a dummy variable with a 1 for Up.
glm.probs = predict(glm.fit, type="response")
glm.pred = rep("Down", 1250)
glm.pred[glm.probs>0.5] = "Up"
table(glm.pred, Direction)
mean(glm.pred == Direction)
At first glance, it appears that the logistic regression model is working a little better than random guessing. However, this result is misleading because we trained and tested the model on the same set of 1, 250 observa- tions. In other words, 100 − 52.2 = 47.8 % is the training error rate. As we have seen previously, the training error rate is often overly optimistic—it tends to underestimate the test error rate. In order to better assess the ac- curacy of the logistic regression model in this setting, we can fit the model using part of the data, and then examine how well it predicts the held out data. This will yield a more realistic error rate, in the sense that in prac- tice we will be interested in our model’s performance not on the data that we used to fit the model, but rather on days in the future for which the market’s movements are unknown.
To implement this strategy, we will first create a vector corresponding to the observations from 2001 through 2004. We will then use this vector to create a held out data set of observations from 2005.
train = (Year < 2005)
Smarket.2005 = Smarket[!train, ]
Direction.2005 = Direction[!train]
glm.fit = glm(Direction~Lag1+Lag2+Lag3+Lag4+Lag5+Volume, data=Smarket, family=binomial, subset=train)
glm.probs = predict(glm.fit, Smarket.2005, type="response")
glm.pred = rep("Down", 252)
glm.pred[glm.probs > 0.5] = "Up"
table(glm.pred, Direction.2005)
mean(glm.pred == Direction.2005)
mean(glm.pred != Direction.2005)
We recall that the logistic regression model had very underwhelming p- values associated with all of the predictors, and that the smallest p-value, though not very small, corresponded to Lag1. Perhaps by removing the variables that appear not to be helpful in predicting Direction, we can obtain a more effective model. After all, using predictors that have no relationship with the response tends to cause a deterioration in the test error rate (since such predictors cause an increase in variance without a corresponding decrease in bias), and so removing such predictors may in turn yield an improvement. Below we have refit the logistic regression using just Lag1 and Lag2, which seemed to have the highest predictive power in the original logistic regression model.
glm.fit = glm(Direction~Lag1+Lag2, data=Smarket, family=binomial, subset=train)
glm.probs = predict(glm.fit, Smarket.2005, type="response")
glm.pred=rep("Down", 252)
glm.pred[glm.probs > 0.5] = "Up"
mean(glm.pred == Direction.2005)
Suppose that we want to predict the returns associated with particular values of Lag1 and Lag2. In particular, we want to predict Direction on a day when Lag1 and Lag2 equal 1.2 and 1.1, respectively, and on a day when they equal 1.5 and −0.8. We do this using the predict() function.
predict(glm.fit, newdata=data.frame(Lag1=c(1.2, 1.5), Lag2=c(1.1, -0.8)), type="response")
Now we will perform LDA on the Smarket data. In R, we fit a LDA model using the lda()
function, which is part of the MASS library. Notice that the syntax for the lda()
function is identical to that of lm()
, and to that of glm()
except for the absence of the family option. We fit the model using only the observations before 2005.
lda.fit = lda(Direction~Lag1+Lag2, data=Smarket, subset=train)
lda.pred = predict(lda.fit, Smarket.2005)
The predict() function returns a list with three elements. The first ele- ment, class, contains LDA’s predictions about the movement of the market. The second element, posterior, is a matrix whose kth column contains the posterior probability that the corresponding observation belongs to the kth class, computed from (4.10). Finally, x contains the linear discriminants, described earlier.
mean(lda.pred$class == Direction.2005)
QDA is implemented in R using the qda()
function, which is also part of the MASS
library. The qda()
syntax is identical to that of lda()
qda.fit = qda(Direction~Lag1+Lag2, data=Smarket, subset=train)
The output contains the group means. But it does not contain the coef- ficients of the linear discriminants, because the QDA classifier involves a quadratic, rather than a linear, function of the predictors. The predict() function works in exactly the same fashion as for LDA.
qda.class = predict(qda.fit, Smarket.2005)$class
table(qda.class, Direction.2005)
mean(qda.class == Direction.2005)
Interestingly, the QDA predictions are accurate almost 60% of the time, even though the 2005 data was not used to fit the model. This level of accu- racy is quite impressive for stock market data, which is known to be quite hard to model accurately. This suggests that the quadratic form assumed by QDA may capture the true relationship more accurately than the linear forms assumed by LDA and logistic regression. However, we recommend evaluating this method’s performance on a larger test set before betting that this approach will consistently beat the market!
We will now perform KNN using the knn()
function, which is part of the class
library. This function works rather differently from the other model- fitting functions that we have encountered thus far. Rather than a two-step approach in which we first fit the model and then we use the model to make predictions, knn() forms predictions using a single command. The function requires four inputs.
, the number of nearest neighbors to be used by the classifier.library(class)
train.X = cbind(Lag1, Lag2)[train,]
test.X = cbind(Lag1, Lag2)[!train,]
train.Direction = Direction[train]
knn.pred = knn(train.X, test.X, train.Direction, k = 1)
table(knn.pred, Direction.2005)
mean(knn.pred == Direction.2005)
The results using K = 1 are not very good, since only 50 % of the observa- tions are correctly predicted. Of course, it may be that K = 1 results in an overly flexible fit to the data. Below, we repeat the analysis using K = 3.
knn.pred = knn(train.X, test.X, train.Direction, k = 3)
table(knn.pred, Direction.2005)
mean(knn.pred == Direction.2005)
The results have improved slightly. But increasing K further turns out to provide no further improvements. It appears that for this data, QDA provides the best results of the methods that we have examined so far.